What Age Can You Stop Sterilising Baby Bottles

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What Age Can You Stop Sterilizing Baby Bottles?

As a new parent, there are big and small tasks that are added to your list. One of these is the cleaning and sterilizing of baby bottles. Just like a plate that needs to be cleaned after using, baby bottles are also the same. You need to clean them and sterilized them. But at what age can u stop sterilizing baby bottles? The good news is this small task will be removed to your list as soon as your baby's immune system is already strong enough to fight against bacteria. Continue reading to know what age can you stop sterilizing baby bottles.

Why Do You Need to Sterilize Baby Bottles

Baby's immune system is weak, but this develops as they grow up. Newborns are vulnerable to germs and bacteria. When it gets into their body, they are likely to get sick and develop complications. That is why it is essential to sterilize their feeding bottles and other accessories they use for feeding or drinking. But until when should you keep sterilizing baby bottles? At what age can u stop sterilising baby bottles? The first 12 months of the baby's life are the most critical. So, it is suggested that you do the sterilization until they reach 12 months or one year.

How often should you Sterilize Baby's Bottle?

What age can u stop sterilising baby bottles? There is no standard age to stop sterilizing baby bottles.However, experts suggest that the baby bottles must be cleaned before each use, for the first 12 months of the baby's life. A lot of mothers are considering this practice. Others only sterilized the equipment when they used it for the first time to remove unwanted bacteria. Some also consider sterilizing baby bottles once a day or at the end of the day, so it can be used the following day. While there can no significant studies that show any notable difference between sterilizing and traditional cleaning, it is always essential that you turn to what you feel is the safest method. Washing your hands before touching the baby's equipment is still of paramount importance.

To kill harmful germs and bacteria, you need to increase the temperature up to a certain degree. This is the concept of electric sterilizers and other sterilization methods that use high heat to keep the baby bottles safe to use. There are also instances that your baby has a weak immune system, like when they are recovering from sickness, was born premature, or if the baby is less than three months old. So, you need to regularly sterilize their bottles and anything that goes to their mouth. This is to ensure they are safe and will not cause any further complications.

Different Sterilizing Methods

What age can u stop sterilising baby bottles? Sterilization is one of the parents' small tasks that will end as soon as your baby grows. However, some parents still buy expensive sterilizer to save time. With sterilizer, you will load the bottles and set the timer. But for some practical reasons, a few parents choose to do the manual sterilization. So, if you are in a budget, you can do these few methods of sterilization.

Sterilize using a Microwave

Before you load the bottles to the microwave, make sure to check the materials. It should withstand heat. Others may melt or deform.

  1. Clean your microwave
  2. Put water into the baby bottles halfway then place it into the microwave
  3. Get a small bowl and place the parts like nipples, rings and other accessories then filled it with water enough to cover them
  4. Set the heat on high for 1.5 minutes
  5. Once the timer is done, allow it to cool down before removing from the microwave
  6. Place it into a tray and allow it to air dry

Sterilize with Boiling Water

This method is the safest and the easier. This is also the most common that mothers apply.

  1. Disassemble the parts of the bottles
  2. Place the small like the ring and nipples into a pot together with the bottles
  3. Fill in the pot with water enough to cover the parts
  4. Let them submerge entirely and do not allow air bubbles in the bottles
  5. Place the pot into the stove and allow it to boil for five minutes
  6. Let the water cool before removing them
  7. Place the items into a dry mat or tray and let it air-dry


Sterilizing baby bottles are necessary to eliminate bacteria and germs. This will protect your babies from sickness and infection. Babies still have weak immune systems. That is why you should protect them from harmful germs. But at what age can u stop sterilizing baby bottles. The expert recommendation is to sterilize baby bottles during the first 12 months of the baby's life because that is when their immune system is weakest. So, be a responsible parent and keep your babies healthy and safe. Get more tips on baby bottles.

What Age Can You Stop Sterilising Baby Bottles

Source: https://www.mymiraclebaby.com/what-age-can-you-stop-sterilizing-baby-bottles

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