what are the requirments for adding a payment system to handle onboard transaction

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Partner platform requirements

Onboard sub-merchants and add online stores and then that they can process ecommerce transactions.

The content on this page only applies when y'all have a partner system for Adyen for Platforms.

On your partner platform, you lot cannot procedure payments on behalf of your sub-merchants. Instead, Adyen establishes a direct relationship between each sub-merchant and the card schemes.

For us to be able to plant that relationship, and for your sub-merchants to exist able to process ecommerce transactions, we need y'all to:

  • Collect boosted PCI DSS compliance documentation in the form of the Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ A).
  • Create online stores for each sub-merchant to constitute a direct connection betwixt them and the schemes.

Sub-merchants that process bespeak-of-sale (POS) transactions also need stores to exist created for them. Even so, they don't have to consummate the SAQ A. The connection between the card networks and each shop is established through the POS terminals, as are the PCI DSS requirements. See Point of sale for platforms for more information.

This is an overview of the steps to take:

  1. Create an account holder for your sub-merchant.
  2. Onboard account holders and collect the SAQ A information.
  3. Add together a store for the business relationship holder.
  4. Add together allowed origins for sub-merchants that use their ain domains.
  5. Route payments to the account holder'south store.

Before you begin

Before you start with your integration, you lot must:

  • Be familiar with the features of Adyen for Platforms, such equally the business relationship structure, the onboarding and verification procedure, and notifications. The only differences for partner platforms are:
    • While onboarding, you lot have to gather the additional PCI compliance information in the course of the SAQ A.
    • Yous have to create an online shop for each account holder on the platform.
  • Contact our Support Team and provide the following required information.
    • Countries
    • Currencies
    • Merchant category codes (MCCs)
    • Payment methods

    You tin specify unlike currencies, MCCs, and payment methods for each country. We use this information to enable you to create stores based on the type of payments that must be processed in the store.

Step i: Create an account holder

Create an business relationship holder for your sub-merchant. For details, see account holders and accounts.

Y'all need to create the business relationship holder before you can proceed to onboard your sub-merchants. Apart from the minimum information needed to create an account holder, also collect the following details from your sub-merchant. You lot will need these details afterward when you create a shop.

  • Website address for the webAddress field.
  • Telephone number (including state code) for the fullPhoneNumber field.

Step 2: Onboard account holders and collect SAQ A details

The onboarding process is the same as onboarding regular sub-merchants, with the added requirement to send them the SAQ A.

Brand sure that each sub-merchant has completed the SAQ A and has passed the KYC verification procedure before yous add together a store.

Collect SAQ A details using the Hosted Onboarding Page

If you apply our Hosted Onboarding Folio (HOP), the SAQ A will automatically appear for the sub-merchant as part of the onboarding period.

Collect SAQ A details using your own onboarding menstruum

If you lot accept built your own onboarding implementation, you take to include an additional phone call in your onboarding flow.

  1. Make a Post request to the /getPciQuestionnaireUrl endpoint, specifying:

    • accountHolderCode: The unique reference to the business relationship holder.
    • returnUrl: The URL to your partner platform website.

    Get a PCI questionnaire link

                      ringlet https://cal-test.adyen.com/cal/services/Hop/v6/getPciQuestionnaireUrl \ -H "x-API-key: YOUR_X-API-KEY" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{   "accountHolderCode": "YOUR_UNIQUE_ACCOUNT_HOLDER_CODE",   "returnUrl": "URL_TO_YOUR_PLATFORM_PORTAL" }'                

    The response contains:

    • redirectURL: The page to where y'all redirect your business relationship holder. This URL must exist used within 15 seconds and can only exist used once.
    • pspReference: The reference to this session. We recommend that you store this for troubleshooting purposes.
                    {     "invalidFields": [],     "pspReference": "8315748692943050",     "resultCode": "Success",     "redirectUrl": "https://hop-test.adyen.com/hop/pci/?token=<token>" }              
  2. Redirect the account holder to the redirect URL inside fifteen seconds after yous received the response. When they are successfully redirected to the questionnaire, the session starts. The session is valid for 30 minutes.

    The business relationship holder receives an HTTP 401 status lawmaking if:

    • The redirection did non occur inside 15 seconds.
    • The account holder refreshes or reloads the browser later on the session has started.

    To restart the session, make another POST asking to /getPciQuestionnaireUrl.

  3. Make sure that yous have configured webhooks so you can get the verification statuses in the ACCOUNT_HOLDER_VERIFICATION notification.

                    { "eventDate": "2020-11-05T14:48:10+01:00", "eventType": "ACCOUNT_HOLDER_VERIFICATION", "executingUserKey": "Business relationship Holder Update", "live": fake, "pspReference": "8515659450108980", "content": {     "accountHolderCode": "YOUR_UNIQUE_ACCOUNT_HOLDER_CODE",     "kycCheckStatusData": {         "type": "PCI_VERIFICATION",         "status": "PASSED"     }   } }              

When you have verified that the business relationship holder provided the SAQ A successfully and that the KYC verification is consummate, you can go on with the next steps.

Step iii: Create a store for the business relationship holder

An business relationship holder is successfully onboarded on your platform when they have passed the KYC checks and completed the SAQ A. Now, you need to provide u.s.a. with the details of their store.

Make sure our Support Squad has enabled creating stores. If you haven't requested this however, refer to Before you brainstorm.

One time our Support Team has enabled creating stores, yous tin start adding stores for your account holders.

  1. Brand sure that you lot take configured webhooks so that y'all are able to receive notifications. Create a notification configuration with an eventConfigs array with:

    • includeMode: INCLUDE
  2. To provide the store details, include a storeDetails array when you update an existing account holder. Make a POST request to /updateAccountHolder.

    In the asking body, include an accountHolderDetails.storeDetails array, specifying:

    • address: The address of the store.
    • fullPhoneNumber: The telephone number of the store.
    • merchantAccount: The merchant account used for accepting payments.
    • merchantCategoryCode: The merchant category code (MCC) that classifies the business organization of the account holder.
    • storeName: The name of the account holder's store. This will be included in the shopper argument.
    • storeReference: Your unique reference for the account holder's shop.
    • webAddress: The URL of the account holder's online store.
    • shopperInteraction: The sales aqueduct. In this case, employ Ecommerce.

    The next example shows an /updateAccountHolder asking to add a store to an account holder.

                    roll https://cal-examination.adyen.com/cal/services/Account/v6/updateAccountHolder \ -H "x-API-key: YOUR_X-API-KEY" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{   "accountHolderCode": "YOUR_UNIQUE_ACCOUNT_HOLDER_CODE",   "accountHolderDetails": {     "storeDetails" : [       {         "address" : {           "city": "Store City",           "state": "United states",           "houseNumberOrName": "1",           "postalCode": "123",           "stateOrProvince": "CA",           "street": "Store Street"         },         "fullPhoneNumber": "+31201234567",         "merchantAccount": "YOUR_MERCHANT_ACCOUNT",         "merchantCategoryCode": "7999",         "storeName": "Store Name",         "storeReference": "YOUR_SUBMERCHANT_STORE_ID",         "webAddress": "URL_TO_SUBMERCHANT_WEBSITE",         "shopperInteraction": "Ecommerce"       }     ]   } }'              

    The response contains diverse account holder details, including the storeDetails showing that the status of the store is Pending.

                    {    "invalidFields": [],    ...    "accountHolderDetails":{       ...       "storeDetails" : [          {              "address" : {               "metropolis": "Store Metropolis",               "country": "United states of america",               "houseNumberOrName": "1",               "postalCode": "123",               "stateOrProvince": "CA",               "street": "Shop Street"             },             "fullPhoneNumber": "+31201234567",             "merchantAccount": "YOUR_MERCHANT_ACCOUNT",             "merchantCategoryCode": "7999",             "status": "Pending",             "store": "UNIQUE_SUBMERCHANT_STORE_ID",             "storeName": "Store Proper noun",             "storeReference": "YOUR_SUBMERCHANT_STORE_ID",             "webAddress": "URL_TO_SUBMERCHANT_WEBSITE",             "shopperInteraction": "Ecommerce"          }       ],       ...    },    ... }              
  3. Earlier processing whatsoever payments, expect until y'all receive an ACCOUNT_HOLDER_STORE_STATUS_CHANGE notification showing that the new status of the store is Active.

                    {    "eventType":"ACCOUNT_HOLDER_STORE_STATUS_CHANGE",    "eventDate":"2018-04-23T13:xiii:44+02:00",    "executingUserKey":"ws",    "live":true,    "pspReference":"1313642467023511",    "content":{       "accountHolderCode":"YOUR_UNIQUE_ACCOUNT_HOLDER_CODE",       "store": "UNIQUE_SUBMERCHANT_STORE_ID",       "storeReference":"YOUR_SUBMERCHANT_STORE_ID",       "newStatus":"Active",       "oldStatus":"Pending",       "reason":"YOUR_REASON"    } }              

Step four: Add sub-merchant domains to allowed origin

If any of your sub-merchants take payments from their own domains, you lot need to add their domains to your immune origins.

Step 5: Road a payment to a store

Each sub-merchant has their own unique connection to the card networks. This connection is represented by their store.

When processing payments, you take to direct them to the advisable store. To road a payment to a shop, include the store field in your /payments request. Y'all can get the value for this field from the response you received when you added the store, or from the ACCOUNT_HOLDER_STORE_STATUS_CHANGE notification webhook.

When processing payments through a store, you can create a separate configuration to automatically split payments or you can provide split information in every API asking.

You can carve up payments beyond multiple account holders, but you tin can just process a payment through a single store.

The following case shows how to provide separate information in the API, routing them over a single shop.

            # Set your X-API-Fundamental with the API key from the Client Area. curl https://checkout-test.adyen.com/v68/payments \ -H "x-API-key: YOUR_X-API-Fundamental" \ -H "content-type: awarding/json" \ -d '{     "amount": {         "currency": "USD",         "value": 5000     },     "store": "UNIQUE_SUBMERCHANT_STORE_ID",     "reference": "YOUR_ORDER_NUMBER",     "paymentMethod": {         "blazon": "scheme",         "encryptedCardNumber": "test_4111111111111111",         "encryptedExpiryMonth": "test_03",         "encryptedExpiryYear": "test_2030",         "encryptedSecurityCode": "test_737",         "holderName": "John Smith"     },     "merchantAccount": "YOUR_MERCHANT_ACCOUNT",     "splits":[         {           "amount":{               "value":4000           },           "blazon":"Market place",           "account":"8815628270908491",           "reference":"YOUR_REFERENCE_TO_SPLIT_#one"         },         {           "amount":{               "value":500           },           "type":"MarketPlace",           "account":"181472818",           "reference":"YOUR_REFERENCE_TO_SPLIT_#2"         },         {           "amount":{               "value":500           },           "type":"Committee",           "reference":"YOUR_REFERENCE_TO_SPLIT_#3"         }       ]   }'          

See also


Source: https://docs.adyen.com/platforms/platforms-for-partners

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